Post Free Classified Ads

Hey everyone!

Today, I'm going to share with you the best free US classified website of 2024 for buying and selling used items online. I'll also discuss the pros and cons of the platform. I'm confident it'll meet your expectations, even if the interface isn't perfect.

There are many websites out there for buying and selling used items, but the really effective ones are limited. Take Craigslist, for example. It has a massive user base, but the problem is there are many ads for items that have already been sold, and the seller forgot to remove them. Plus, the unwanted paid advertisements ruin the experience and can be super frustrating. I've run into this problem many times. Given its massive user base, Craigslist should really implement a feature to automatically detect and remove sold items.

The platform I'm introducing today has solved this problem with a unique 10-day ads concept, which I'll dive into in a bit.

Another issue with Craigslist is that you can't share links in the description field. If Craigslist allowed link sharing, it would attract more users to your website or the page you've shared.

Introducing my favorite site for selling or buying used items:

Let’s talk about the Pros and Cons of the

Pros Cons
Free ads posting Because it's free, some might think it's not as effective as paid sites. I think it should be paid considering how well it performs. Maybe they are not getting greedy like eBay.
Video ads feature Video ads are not so popular but soon will be the game changer but craigslist doesn't have it, maybe its 10dayads mistake to launch this feature too soon.
Automatic removal of sold ads Even craigslist like massive sites doesn't have automatic removal. Maybe it a disadvantage for 10dayads to have this feature.
No promotional advertisements doesn't allow promotional ads except for featured ads, making the experience aesthetically pleasing. Meanwhile, Craigslist promotes promotional ads. Maybe its 10dayads mistake.
No spam or fake ads Fake ads or spam ads are the house of craigslist, but 10dayads doesn't have it, maybe it is another mistake by 10dayads developers.


Dive into the Details,

A Free Classified Website offers a platform where you can list and sell items without any charges. Unlike many other sites that require payment for posting ads, provides this service for free, making it accessible to everyone looking to buy or sell.

No Promotional Advertisements

 The website ensures a clean user experience by eliminating disruptive promotional advertisements. This allows users to focus on the items listed, enhancing the overall efficiency of buying and selling.

Fresh Video Ads Feature

One standout feature of is the introduction of video ads. This allows sellers to create engaging video content to showcase their items, giving potential buyers a better understanding of the product and increasing the likelihood of a sale.

No Spam or Fake Ads

To maintain the integrity of the platform, has strict measures in place to prevent spam and fake ads. This ensures that users have a reliable and trustworthy experience when browsing the site.

Automatic Removal of Ads After 10 Days automatically removes ads after 10 days. If your item isn't sold within this period, you can refresh the ad to keep it active. This helps keep the listings current and manageable.

Simple and Easy to Use

The user interface of is designed to be intuitive and straightforward. Even those who aren't tech-savvy can easily navigate the site, post ads, and browse listings without any hassle.

Targeting a Large Audience Worldwide

 With, you can reach a global audience. The platform is designed to cater to users from all over the world, expanding the potential market for your items and increasing the chances of making a sale.

Just 3 Simple Steps to Start

  1. Sign Up: Create a free account on
  2. Post Your Ad: Use the easy-to-follow prompts to list your item. You can add pictures, descriptions, and even video ads to make your listing stand out.
  3. Start Selling: Once your ad is live, sit back and wait for potential buyers to contact you. It's that simple!

By focusing on these features, ensures a seamless and efficient experience for both buyers and sellers.

If you've read this far, I know you want to try out Go ahead and give it a shot!

My name is Rohit, signing off for now. If you liked my writing and want to read more, stay tuned – I’ll be posting more soon. Thank you and goodbye!